Creel Price is an internationally demanded keynote speaker addressing wide-ranging audiences including corporates, entrepreneurs, educators, parents and children as young as 8 years of age.
Past speaking clients include: Telstra, Intel Security, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IAG, Yahoo 7, Action Coach International, Business Chicks, Little Black Dress Group, Amway, Messenger Group, Halogen Foundation, Edutech and NSW Association of Independent Schools.
Keynote Topics
In this eye opening keynote Creel unpacks the key ingredient to being successful at running your own business - Decisionship. The subject of Creel’s book The One Thing to Win at the Game of Business (Wiley, 2012) he unpacks key insights from this thought provoking methodology using his own experience to illustrate business principles.
Fast-Track Business Growth
Using Creel’s business journey he traces how entrepreneurs can fast track their progress through the Income, Profit and Value stages of business.
The Enemies of Innovation
The ultimate keynote on how large organisations can remove the seven deadly sins that prevent the creation of a culture of innovation.
The Entreprenaissance
That will the future of business look like? Creel shares his vision for a 21st century entrepreneurial-led renaissance, outlining six key components that will shape this a new era of individual expression and legacy.
Smart Nation
Inspired by the work of his foundation, Club Kidpreneur, this though provoking keynote gives a compelling case for how we can innovate in the education system to ensure our kids are prepared to thrive in their future careers.
Avalanche of Altruism
Are we killing the world with kindness? In this challenging keynote Creel shares his philosophy on the future of charity and how we all have a role to play.
Enquire to have Creel speak at your next event here.